Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Universal Law of Attraction is working in my favor

I've been asking the universe to please make my son (18) be nicer to me, he's usually nasty, rude and completely self absorbed…… pretty typical behavior unfortunately!  
I've been thinking these thoughts for a week or so… envisioning peace and harmony… He blew my mind today. 
He wanted to borrow my car (his is in the shop) to take his GF out to lunch, then for a walk down Dimple Dell Trail…. I'm off in 2 hours and want my car when I'm off, so I tell him, yes, but please be back by 3:30 today.
They don’t show up till  4:30…. one hour late, now usually when stuff like this happens, I call him out on it, and he yells at me, and we get into it…and all hell breaks loose…I end up hating him, and wishing he'd move the hell out! ......instead... today, I though nice positive thoughts, practiced the secret…. and knew he'd be back soon with my car safe and sound!  Then instead of getting anxiety over it, racked with worry about what the ding-a-ling is doing with my beautiful car….. I relaxed and told myself….."it's a nice day, go outside and spray paint those ugly gold picture frames you bought at the thrift store weeks ago, and get that project checked of your to do list!" ...."Everything will be fine, your beautiful, luxurious, Camry will be back soon safe and sound!"

He comes in the house at 4:30 I just go about my business not saying anything to him…(the exact opposite of what I usually do… normally I'd storm downstairs all butt hurt by his blatant disregard for my time and property!!!)

He says to me in a calm polite voice…… "Hey Mom….. sorry about being an hour late, I was careful with the car, and I won't do it again"…   " We wanted to go to the library too but we didn't because I thought you'd be mad at us for doing that without asking you first"………….

I about dropped my jaw!  Who are you????  Wait….. it's the Secret working it's magic on my family!  Hee Hee Hee….   MIND BLOWING!    I then gave him permission to take it to the library….

I've been nagging him to do his laundry for weeks, and he's lazy, and has dirty clothes all over his room, and in baskets in my laundry room piling up everywhere driving me cray cray!!  So today as I took out my clothes from the dryer, I asked the universe to please get my son to do his dirty clothes today, and I believed he would with all my mind... I kid you not! ...This very moment as I'm typing this I hear him start a load of laundry!  WTF???  
WOW, I'm blown away!  

                        ASK, BELIEVE, RECEIVE!