Thursday, May 8, 2014


Texting can be a double edged sword, and a complete annoyance to me.  It's great for quick info from family, and friends....but put a classified ad out into cyber space with a cell number and all the Koo Koo Birds come out to play!

Maybe I'm just getting old, but sometimes I find texting a royal pain in the ass.  Take last night, I have a car for sale and put an ad on a classified website page.  Some ding-a-ling calls the land line, I run upstairs to answer the ringing phone it's a message it said:  "Please hold for a text to land line voice message"   I hang up and hear my cell alert go off, text message.  The guy and I are texting back and forth, he's asking all sorts of questions about the car, and I'm typing on a teeny tiny keypad ( felt like a novel)    I though to myself :  Is texting just a Chicken Shit way to avoid speaking to someone?   Why are people so leery about calling and talking to an actual person?  The texting back and forth took 20 minutes, when in fact if the guy had the balls to just call his questions could have been answered in 2 minutes.

I view people who text instead of calling as  cowards!  Too chicken to call and talk to someone, maybe they have social anxiety or something I don't know really know but it's a head scratch-er
