Sunday, January 25, 2015


I haven't written for a while because my life's been a whirl wind! I told myself last fall I was getting a new better job, so I wouldn't have to spend all summer staying home and taking care of the community pool again for what would be 4 summers now. I was determined, spent every waking minute looking at job boards, updating and tweaking my resume. Luckily our pool had a serious algae infestation and we had to shut her down a month early this year THANK GOD! Because of that I was able to grab a job opportunity a friend referred me to. No sooner had she posted on FB that her work was hiring, I was on it. More pay, bonuses, way cheaper health insurance, and no stupid customers to deal with on the phones... no selling either HORRAY! BYE BYE work at home, hello working downtown. My neigh-sayer friends tried to convince me not to accept it, because they wanted me to stay and be miserable with them, but I'd had it. I was outta there!

I got the job despite not knowing one iota about insurance, the interviewers dug me, and offered me the job. It's been almost 3 months and I just love it. My checks are more, insurance is better, and I get treated as an adult. No one gave me a wrath of shit for getting the flu, and having to call out sick 2 days in a row. No micromanaging nazi's watching and listening to your every move, and digging into your personal life either! No more working every Saturday, no more sleepless nights worrying about how to reach my ridiculously impossible sky high sales goals, no more getting ripped off on bonus money.... the list goes on and on. No more calling a 22 year old my boss! Or knowing way more than all the bosses at that place combined. No more being one of the oldest workers there! YAY!

I'm so happy and thankful this opportunity came up, and I'm working hard and doing well. Had my first performance review and I'm doing great my boss told me. Yup, things are looking up for me and 2015 is shaping up to be a really great year!