Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Real "Meet the Mormons" of Utah

There has been a lot of buzz about this newly released move Meet The Mormons around town by all my Mormon friends of course. One friend told me yesterday that "YOU MUST TAKE YOUR FAMILY TO SEE THIS!" she exclaimed. WOW! What for? I have already read the reviews in all the local and national papers.

I live in Utah, and quite frankly Mormons don't impress me, and I'll tell you why.  I live near 2 churches, and every Sunday when I'm out walking, or in my car I must pass by their church to get out of my neighborhood. If it happens to be at the time church is getting started, you're taking your life in your hands! I've been cut off by large SUV's racing across the street in their Sunday best late for church no doubt. One time I was walking, and was nearly taken out by a white shirted, tied, and dark suited male in a Toyota who damn near killed me when he tried to beat me into the parking lot, I was walking on the sidewalk in front of the parking lot entrance. Good thing I have fast reflexes, and jumped back! He didn't even see me! If this happened once or twice it wouldn't be a big deal. I've lived here nine years, and this has happened each and every time I leave my neighborhood during church beginning time, and ending time. They're rude drivers, and hyper focused on making it to church on time, to hell with the rest of the neighborhood!

The company I work for was founded my a Mormon, BYU graduate, and the CEO is also Mormon as well. Yes they are very nice but don't practice what they preach, because we work every Sunday, and there are no exceptions. Mormon or not if business needs dictate a Sunday schedule, too bad, you work it!

One of my siblings is also a very good card carrying Mormon, and his wife is so darn rude to me it's not funny. She is snarky, ignores me, treats me like I'm invisible because I don't go to church. Yet expects me to attend all her kids baptisms, and blessings, and other events, which I graciously do despite the fact she never acknowledges my existence. I walk into her home (invited mind you) and she never says a word to me! Not a "hello, how are you?"...  nothing! It's kind of a game to me at this point, let's play the: Let's see how rude Julie treats me game! It's just expected and I get a chuckle out of it after all these years.  She never replies to any of my family emails yet everyone else does. I was recently invited to her daughter's baptism and was saddened that I couldn't attend due to my work schedule, so I replied via email telling her so, and nothing back! I sent a card, and a small piece of jewelry I purchased at a local Mormon store to commemorate the happy occasion. She must have received it, yet, no thank-you email, or call to let me know it arrived, no acknowledgment what-so-ever. I've never seen anything like it!!  Treating a FAMILY MEMBER no doubt, who has been nothing but kind and polite to her like a piece of crap!  Really?? When I complain to my Mother who is also staunch Mormon, she brushes it off by saying "oh if you knew her father you'd understand"... um... okay!

It's people like these every day Utahans who go about their lives only caring about themselves, and getting into heaven, for time and all eternity (sounds tedious to me) living with family member's who ignore you for time & all eternity! I'd rather be partying with my cool friends than with some stick-up-her-ass Molly Mo as we call them here!

These are just a few examples of why the "Meet the Mormon's" is a necessary PR campaign for the LDS church. Maybe they can go after the low hanging fruit, and leave us people who know better alone!

I have nothing against this religion, just the dip shit people who act as if they're better than everyone else that's who I have an issue with! No, I won't be paying $9.00 for a movie ticket to see this movie anytime soon, I'd watch it if it were free, but that's it.

My impression of Mormons would be something like this: " Hide the truth! "... "gloss over everything" ... "If we ignore it... it doesn't exist... and for Hell Sakes... don't let all the ward members find out!"

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