Sunday, October 27, 2013

Little Girl Voices

     In my line of work, I encounter all types of people.  Rich, famous, homeless down-and-out, and everything in between.  One personality type I really don't understand is the grown woman using the little girl voice.
This happens often, and makes me wonder, why does this grown woman who is obviously over 18 think it's normal to speak to me, (or anyone) a representative of a company in a timid, small squeaky little kid voice while doing a business transaction?  They tend to do it when there is an issue with their account that needs to be resolved.  What makes a grown woman think this tactic is going to work well for them?  I want to tell them " pull up your big girl panties, and speak normally!!!"  Believe me this runs through my head every time I encounter this, and I  do encounter this often throughout the day.  Come on ladies, lose the little girly voice you're an adult now!
      Here are a few tips to make your business dealings go a bit smoother:
Always speak in a confident manner, so the person receiving the information is listening to the issue, not trying to comprehend why you're speaking in such a high pitched tone.  I've heard it said somewhere if you say it with confidence and conviction you'll get what you want.  I so admire men for the ability to just spit it out and say it, these girly gals, beat around the bush, ramble on and on, and it's mentally exhausting trying to decipher what it is they actually want!  Rehearse before you call, be clear concise, and get to the point.  The person on the other end of the line doesn't need to hear your life's story, or all your girly drama, they have a job to do, and other people to serve, so enough with the scattered thoughts, and small high pitched shrill.  It's like fingernails on a chalkboard to someone like me!
I'll share my biggest pet peeve of all time......has to do with repeating back a number.  For the love of all things holy, wait until the representative FINISHES giving you the COMPLETE set of digits, BEFORE interrupting them half way through the series of numbers to make sure your hearing skills work properly!!!  I can't tell you how many people do this annoying little thing!   I get the fact they want to repeat the number back to me to be sure they took it down correctly, but WAIT till I'm finished please!  Then you may have your turn!
 This drives me crazy, I'm not going anywhere, if you listen to me completely, I'll listen you you completely!  No need to freak out and interrupt me 3 digits into a 9 digit account number.
 GEEZE! Enough Said!

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