Wednesday, October 30, 2013

New Project

Here is my sweet newest re-do project, rough shape I'd say! It's been in my basement and now my garage collecting dust for the past 22 years.  I've completely ignored this bookcase because it originally belonged to an ex, and I'm not sure how I got it, he probably forgot about it.  It looked so sad against the garage wall housing all my flower pots, and planting materials.  After further inspection it's really sturdy and solid, yet dinged, scratched, and even a few holes and chips in her.  With a lot of power sanding and some pretty paint she'll come back to be even better and prettier than before, and serve someone well I hope. (Yeah, this is a metaphor)

Here I am on a cold October day out in my garage, it's been 2 days of sanding and plastering the holes, gashes, and chips out of her, but after another coat of putty, and some sanding, she should be ready for some paint.  I now wear a protective mask, because apparently my sinuses are very SENSITIVE!  That's another topic.  Can't wait to see what it'll look like

Here she is all finished!  NEXT

Update:  Sold this shelf that I acquired for free to a friend for $40 for her little daughter's room.  YEAH!

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