Saturday, October 26, 2013

Why do we watch?

I'm addicted to a phenomenon called "Real housewives of Beverly Hills", I'm sooo excited for the new season, it's a guilty pleasure for sure!
    After watching each show I can't help but think, "all the shows plots are the same".. Uber rich ladies dressing up in their designer clothes, shoes, handbags, and diamonds...heading out to a drunken night of partying with the other ladies on the show, seems like they barely arrive via limo (of course) when someone says something to someone, and that someone takes it the wrong way and runs with it, then next think you know....CAT FIGHT! 
      There is crying, yelling, false accusations, ladies are talking over each other trying to get their point across but the other party is yelling even louder and nobody hears each other, and soon after it begins one of the groups storm out of the party, down the sidewalk to the always waiting limo. (what that driver must think!)
      As a spectator sitting in my easy chair eating popcorn, and watching all this drama I can't help but think to myself, it's "High school for forty-somethings" only with more expensive outfits.   I realize it's all fake and phony, and most of the drama is made up stuff to get viewers and rating points so the network can charge more money for commercial/sponsorship and all that.... but still as my son always asks: "Why do you watch that?"  because each time he comes upstairs when the show is on, and takes a peek at the T.V screen's always in the middle of a yell fest, and he can't make heads or tails of what's going on.  Then he goes back downstairs seriously worried about my entertainment choices.
    I asked myself that very question:  Why do I watch?   It's certainly not for the cat fights, I guess I've always wondered how rich people really live, and so does the rest of the country.
        Apparently they're not any happier than I am, or else they wouldn't be fighting all the time with their "friends" on T.V. of all places.  They have substance abuse issues, and money issues even though it's not like a normal person's money issues.  They appear to all be clamoring for love and acceptance, and lots of attention like most of us.   They have fights with their partners, and their kids seem spoiled and snotty, like most kids now-a-days are.  They're overly concerned with keeping up with the Jones' and seem to work extra hard at always looking their best for the cameras.
     I know the TV viewing public eats it up, but I'd like to see more of how did they get so rich?  How do they manage to run all the businesses they own, and why are they called "Housewives" when they all  have careers?  If they're rich they must be smart, and if they're so smart why do they act so foolish?  They're not any smarter than I am, and I know many intelligent women who aren't nearly as wealthy as they are.
     Maybe these questions swirling around in my head constantly will be addressed this season, while I'm snuggled up in a throw blanket noshing on popcorn, eyes peeled in anticipation for the next fashion trend, over the top shoe or business idea one of the ladies comes up with.  I'll be wondering if Kyle's eyelashes are real or fake, if Mauricio is as handsome in person as he is on TV, and how the hell did
Yolanda meet David Freakin Foster???
 Inquiring minds want to know!

Adrienne Maloof, David Foster, Kim Richards, Kyle Richards, Lisa Vanderpump, Taylor Armstrong, Yolanda H. Foster

MY GAWD.... look at all those Grammy's!!


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