Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Put Yur Head Back in the Sand!

There are people out there who grew up in a bubble.  They can't see what's around them because they have no experience with anything but their own little group.    These are the folks who only hang with their kind because "others" make them uncomfortable.  This is a danger to yourself, as there are a lot of very diverse people in this world, and if you only like your type then you are really missing out.  Everything I've learned about people usually comes from friends, or acquaintances that are vastly different from me.  In fact, I find them quite interesting and I can learn from them.  I enjoy learning about other cultures, and how other families operate and function.

I bring this up in light of the gay marriage ban being lifted in Utah recently.  There really are people out there in la, la land who just don't realize every family isn't the Brady Bunch, or Leave it to Beaver!  My advise to you is get out there and get some diversity in your life so your not a stale Stanley.....or head-in-the-sand Helen!  Not every family has a Mom who stays home baking cookies, and a Dad who wears a suit and carries his brief case off to work in his convertible!   It takes all types of folks to make up this crazy world we live in, and the more crazy diverse folks you know, the better you'll become!

It does not mean you need to go out and copy cat them.... which in my opinion these head-in-the-sand folks fear.....which is why they stick together and don't diversify because oh the horror of hanging around with gay folks then becoming gay ourselves!  YES there are idiots who think this way! Know who you are, and be comfortable with yourself and your life, then you can pursue friendship with others, and take the good things you learn about them and apply them to your life, and discard the negative stuff.  Life isn't about keeping to yourself, and staying in your comfort zone, it's about experiencing new ideas, concepts, and experiencing all types of diverse people.

I truly believe the more diverse your friends are, the better you become.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Launch Baby Launch!

Sigh..... What's going on with our 20 somethings?  I can tell you so many of them are not leaving home, or boomeranging back home!  I have a kid who bounces from Dad's to Mom's and back and forth.  It's terribly frustrating and must be stopped. True to form I got the email last night "May I move back in with you?"   The answer was "HELL NO!!!"

Don't get me wrong, I love my son dearly, but he's very lazy and will mooch off of who ever lets him. He's full of excuses, but no solutions.  This has been going on for over 6 years, back and forth since he was 19.   He has had some really good jobs, lived with his GF for a while, has had several apartments, but never stays put!  He gets bored and quits his job, sleeps all day and gets very lazy, then scratches his head and calls us all psycho angry people!   Really?
Name one person who would put up with a lazy 25 year old man sleeping all day, and eating you out of house and home, and leaving messes everywhere?   I'm sure I'm not the only angry psycho who will go medieval on your ass for doing that to me.  I put up with it all last summer and I'm done.  Surprisingly I'm not the only one, I have several friends who are at their wits end with grown up kids.

My message is a very simple one:  If you're a parent of a 20, 30, or good Hell even 40 something kid who won't leave home.... kick their sorry ass out already!  You are not doing them any favors what-so-ever!
If they work, go to school and contribute to the betterment of the family, then by all means keep them as long as you're getting a benefit from the living arrangement.  If not get rid of them!  NOW!

If you are the 20, 30, or older living at home sucking up your parent's retirement, and savings:
 "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?"  Get a job, become a member of society, and get a place to live, it isn't a picnic for your parents, and I'm sure as soon as you leave they'll be jumping for JOY!
Shame on you for adding to your parents stress level, and aging them beyond belief!  Get a job NOW! 

Sunday, December 15, 2013


Almost 2 weeks ago I underwent nasal polyp surgery, as well as fixing a deviated septum, and shaving off a bone spur!  WHEW!  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  Painful for the first day or two, lots of discharge coming out the nose, but I was off pain med's by the 2nd day...they made me overly emotional, and flat out Cray Cray!

For years I sounded like I had a cold, allergies, or sinus infections.  I was always plugged up, and could only breathe through one nostril most of the time.  At night I became a mouth breather, and I was always tired, and everything seemed like a chore.  I was a "loud" breather too, and had to always be aware of how loud I was breathing especially in quite places. Now I'm all clean and cleared out and quite as a mouse!  I sleep like a baby, and in 3 more days will be able to get back to the gym, and doing strenuous things which I'm super excited for.

I took almost 2-weeks off work, and slept in as late as I wanted to, actually gave my body permission to rest, and nap if needed, and boy did I need it!  I finished all my holiday shopping, and really enjoyed my time off, all in the mist of a typically busy stressful time of year, I'm chilling and relaxing!  I can't recall except maternity leave, being off work for 2 solid weeks!   WOW everyone should do that yearly!

I'm so glad I did it, and it's too bad I didn't do it earlier, but no regrets, my doctor was capable, and kind, and the new hospital was fantastic!   Since nasal polyps typically return in 70% of the cases, I need to be diligent in keeping my nose clean literally!  I use saline spray each and every day, Ocean is a great brand, also Nasonex 2 sprays per nostril, morning and evening everyday for life to keep the crap at bay.   Eating and exercising and just being overall healthy doesn't hurt either.  I'll be sure to wear protective face masks when sweeping out the garage, sanding furniture pieces, or just using cleaning products to clean the house, as I don't want anything going up my nose that could cause any issues.

 I feel great, and can't wait to being 2014 with lots of health energy finally I can