Sunday, December 15, 2013


Almost 2 weeks ago I underwent nasal polyp surgery, as well as fixing a deviated septum, and shaving off a bone spur!  WHEW!  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  Painful for the first day or two, lots of discharge coming out the nose, but I was off pain med's by the 2nd day...they made me overly emotional, and flat out Cray Cray!

For years I sounded like I had a cold, allergies, or sinus infections.  I was always plugged up, and could only breathe through one nostril most of the time.  At night I became a mouth breather, and I was always tired, and everything seemed like a chore.  I was a "loud" breather too, and had to always be aware of how loud I was breathing especially in quite places. Now I'm all clean and cleared out and quite as a mouse!  I sleep like a baby, and in 3 more days will be able to get back to the gym, and doing strenuous things which I'm super excited for.

I took almost 2-weeks off work, and slept in as late as I wanted to, actually gave my body permission to rest, and nap if needed, and boy did I need it!  I finished all my holiday shopping, and really enjoyed my time off, all in the mist of a typically busy stressful time of year, I'm chilling and relaxing!  I can't recall except maternity leave, being off work for 2 solid weeks!   WOW everyone should do that yearly!

I'm so glad I did it, and it's too bad I didn't do it earlier, but no regrets, my doctor was capable, and kind, and the new hospital was fantastic!   Since nasal polyps typically return in 70% of the cases, I need to be diligent in keeping my nose clean literally!  I use saline spray each and every day, Ocean is a great brand, also Nasonex 2 sprays per nostril, morning and evening everyday for life to keep the crap at bay.   Eating and exercising and just being overall healthy doesn't hurt either.  I'll be sure to wear protective face masks when sweeping out the garage, sanding furniture pieces, or just using cleaning products to clean the house, as I don't want anything going up my nose that could cause any issues.

 I feel great, and can't wait to being 2014 with lots of health energy finally I can

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