Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Put Yur Head Back in the Sand!

There are people out there who grew up in a bubble.  They can't see what's around them because they have no experience with anything but their own little group.    These are the folks who only hang with their kind because "others" make them uncomfortable.  This is a danger to yourself, as there are a lot of very diverse people in this world, and if you only like your type then you are really missing out.  Everything I've learned about people usually comes from friends, or acquaintances that are vastly different from me.  In fact, I find them quite interesting and I can learn from them.  I enjoy learning about other cultures, and how other families operate and function.

I bring this up in light of the gay marriage ban being lifted in Utah recently.  There really are people out there in la, la land who just don't realize every family isn't the Brady Bunch, or Leave it to Beaver!  My advise to you is get out there and get some diversity in your life so your not a stale Stanley.....or head-in-the-sand Helen!  Not every family has a Mom who stays home baking cookies, and a Dad who wears a suit and carries his brief case off to work in his convertible!   It takes all types of folks to make up this crazy world we live in, and the more crazy diverse folks you know, the better you'll become!

It does not mean you need to go out and copy cat them.... which in my opinion these head-in-the-sand folks fear.....which is why they stick together and don't diversify because oh the horror of hanging around with gay folks then becoming gay ourselves!  YES there are idiots who think this way! Know who you are, and be comfortable with yourself and your life, then you can pursue friendship with others, and take the good things you learn about them and apply them to your life, and discard the negative stuff.  Life isn't about keeping to yourself, and staying in your comfort zone, it's about experiencing new ideas, concepts, and experiencing all types of diverse people.

I truly believe the more diverse your friends are, the better you become.

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