Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Things I've never done, but want to do this year

1- Spend an afternoon sitting in a trendy coffee shop writing on my  laptop
 (I'm the only one on the face of the earth who hasn't done this yet)

2- Go to Sedona Arizona, it seems like a pretty cool place

3- Knit legwarmers

4- Become a downtown ambassador

5- Take free online classes through WEBEX ( already enrolled begins March 3rd ) Critical thinking course!        Whoo Hoo

6- Learn how to make Pho and Boeuf Bourguignon a La Julia Child

Good things 2014

I read on Pinterest, or was it Facebook?? (I don't recall) a great idea I've yet to implement.  You get a jar, tie a ribbon around the neck with a sign of some sort.  The idea is to write on a piece of paper any good thing that happens to you that year.  At the end of the year you pull out all the pieces of paper and read it off.   Since I have not done that yet, I thought I'd write it in my blog, so when I do get around finding a jar and a ribbon I won't forget my good things.

Good things 1-  I finally got  a decent raise!
                  2-  Learned to knit super cute beanie hats after 2 months of trial and error using circular needles
                 3- Baby's 18 just landed a job, more money more hours!  YEAH!  This is exciting for me as I was acting like his own personal recruiter/secretary filling out applications, and my email box was flooded with job openings finally the madness will stop!
               4- Boomerang kiddo got a job beginning this week  2/22!  Whew! Finally, my Mom's savings and loan has closed it's purse!
              5- Larger that usual tax return $1,300 back BABY, and I don't have to pay state taxes for the first time in like YEARS!
             6- Baby's 18 and his GF are still hot and heavy, so I get some free time!
            7- Made it into the top 5 sales professionals in the office (no monetary reward for this but that's typical)  
            8- Brock moved out!  Yeah!  (Blaine moved back in)
           9-The Subaru is all mine!  Payments & repairs, I'm grateful!
          10- Brock and Blaine spoke on the phone for the first time in over a year since their falling out, apparent Brock's forgiven and forgotten!
          11- Sold my butchers block for $45 today!  I got it free, and invested a whopping $1.80 for a drawer pull, took it from bad to fab, used it for 5 years then sold it!
          12- Got a really large bonus $1,200 big ones, landed #5 out of 70 sales agents
          13-Landed a better job, more money, cheaper benefits, and no call center! WHOO HOO

I know there is another one but I forgot, as soon as I remember I'll up date this blog this is the lamest post thus far!  I'm tired, and worked 12 hours a day for 2 weeks forgive my, as my brain is fried!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Call People Out

A lot of people say stupid stuff in an effort to one up you, or put you down, or sometimes just to act like they know more that you.  These individuals have very small minds and aren't nearly as smart as they try to be.  Remember that kids!  They have a huge chip on their shoulder, don't take it personally! 

Example:  I had a customer from Ohio call in, of course he was over 60 hard of hearing and not pleasant to speak with. He basically gave me a good deal of grief every time I opened my mouth.  He was trying very hard to  prove he's the older wiser man, by telling me where we were located in his town somewhere in Ohio, and laughing at me each time I said something in an effort to mock and belittle me.... I wasn't having it!   

Now I've never encountered a kind customer from Ohio yet, so I'm more than prepared to deal with this rude old man and Ohio truly isn't someplace I'd move or visit anytime soon... but I digress.   Anyway, this old timer needed storage and kept asking me stupid questions, then of course I'd be quiet while he asked me the questions, then I'd go to answer and he'd interrupt me. 
 Apparently using a telephone isn't a skill he's mastered yet in his 60 plus years on earth! 

Finally I called him out on his shit.... I said to him:  "apparently I irritate and annoy you because you don't like anything I'm telling you about my company or our storage units"  Since he's a customer I did this in the sweetest tone I could muster up.  Then I said "try to have a nice day"  instead of my usual closing line
 "have a great day!"

 By the end of the call he apologized to me for giving me so much grief, and basically acting like an ass hole!  

I accepted his apology and said that renting storage was very stressful ( it's really not but I had to be nice)  he went on about how he didn't mean to make me feel bad, and ya da ya da ya..... I couldn't have cared less about what he said....I got his storage reservation, and I was more than finished with his cantankerous ass!  I'll get my commission, and be on my way thank-you! 

 After speaking with may Ohioans, I won't be visiting here anytime soon! 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Grumpy Old Men

The other day my friend Terri and I were sitting in a movie theater, and the pre-views were showing, we  chatting during this time.  The movie starts and the first face on the screen was Kevin Klein.  I whispered to her "who's that? " and she said "oh... I can't remember...'  Then I said in a hushed whisper     "It's Kevin Klein'   " oh... yeah, she whispers back".   Then out of no where this bald fatty looks at us from the row in front of us,  he was over to the side and he literally yelled " WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP?" 
He literally scared the crap out of us, we were seriously afraid to laugh at the funny parts of the movie for the first half of the show!

I bring this up, because lately I've been yelled at a couple times by angry old men.  Now, I'm 48 years old, so why these older than 55+ men feel the need to yell at me is really beyond my comprehension!  I'm just a happy-go-lucky gal, live and let live, type.... yet for some reason, these angry old timers feel like I deserve to be yelled at.

If we were bothering him so much, all he had to do is lean over, and say " Hey, could you please keep it down, the movie has started?"  in a normal tone of voice.  We would have apologized and stopped whispering and that would be that.
But NOOOOOO!  He had to be a jerk off about it!  We literally sat frozen stiff afraid to even laugh at the funny parts of the movie for at least the first half of it anyway.  Why do grown men feel it's OK to YELL at women who are innocently minding their own business?  Can someone explain this to me?

If you are a man, and reading this, please, please, please don't yell at women, it's scary, and your false teeth my fly out!