Monday, January 6, 2014

Grumpy Old Men

The other day my friend Terri and I were sitting in a movie theater, and the pre-views were showing, we  chatting during this time.  The movie starts and the first face on the screen was Kevin Klein.  I whispered to her "who's that? " and she said "oh... I can't remember...'  Then I said in a hushed whisper     "It's Kevin Klein'   " oh... yeah, she whispers back".   Then out of no where this bald fatty looks at us from the row in front of us,  he was over to the side and he literally yelled " WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP?" 
He literally scared the crap out of us, we were seriously afraid to laugh at the funny parts of the movie for the first half of the show!

I bring this up, because lately I've been yelled at a couple times by angry old men.  Now, I'm 48 years old, so why these older than 55+ men feel the need to yell at me is really beyond my comprehension!  I'm just a happy-go-lucky gal, live and let live, type.... yet for some reason, these angry old timers feel like I deserve to be yelled at.

If we were bothering him so much, all he had to do is lean over, and say " Hey, could you please keep it down, the movie has started?"  in a normal tone of voice.  We would have apologized and stopped whispering and that would be that.
But NOOOOOO!  He had to be a jerk off about it!  We literally sat frozen stiff afraid to even laugh at the funny parts of the movie for at least the first half of it anyway.  Why do grown men feel it's OK to YELL at women who are innocently minding their own business?  Can someone explain this to me?

If you are a man, and reading this, please, please, please don't yell at women, it's scary, and your false teeth my fly out!

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