Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Call People Out

A lot of people say stupid stuff in an effort to one up you, or put you down, or sometimes just to act like they know more that you.  These individuals have very small minds and aren't nearly as smart as they try to be.  Remember that kids!  They have a huge chip on their shoulder, don't take it personally! 

Example:  I had a customer from Ohio call in, of course he was over 60 hard of hearing and not pleasant to speak with. He basically gave me a good deal of grief every time I opened my mouth.  He was trying very hard to  prove he's the older wiser man, by telling me where we were located in his town somewhere in Ohio, and laughing at me each time I said something in an effort to mock and belittle me.... I wasn't having it!   

Now I've never encountered a kind customer from Ohio yet, so I'm more than prepared to deal with this rude old man and Ohio truly isn't someplace I'd move or visit anytime soon... but I digress.   Anyway, this old timer needed storage and kept asking me stupid questions, then of course I'd be quiet while he asked me the questions, then I'd go to answer and he'd interrupt me. 
 Apparently using a telephone isn't a skill he's mastered yet in his 60 plus years on earth! 

Finally I called him out on his shit.... I said to him:  "apparently I irritate and annoy you because you don't like anything I'm telling you about my company or our storage units"  Since he's a customer I did this in the sweetest tone I could muster up.  Then I said "try to have a nice day"  instead of my usual closing line
 "have a great day!"

 By the end of the call he apologized to me for giving me so much grief, and basically acting like an ass hole!  

I accepted his apology and said that renting storage was very stressful ( it's really not but I had to be nice)  he went on about how he didn't mean to make me feel bad, and ya da ya da ya..... I couldn't have cared less about what he said....I got his storage reservation, and I was more than finished with his cantankerous ass!  I'll get my commission, and be on my way thank-you! 

 After speaking with may Ohioans, I won't be visiting here anytime soon! 

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