Saturday, September 6, 2014

Highs & Lows

Life is just a long roller coaster ride!  Omg highs and lows.  One minute you're sitting on the couch depressed because it's a weekend and you have no plans, dates, or anything fun going on, just work, laundry, and a long list of to-do's! Then the next weekend you're so busy you're head is spinning!

One second you're arguing with your grown kids, then a few minutes later you're hiking to a wonderful waterfall and have forgotten what the fighting was all about.

Last weekend was just boring, tv watching, cleaning, and Fashion Police Friday, whoop whoop!  This weekend Joan Rivers passed away, no more Fashion Police (my favorite show) but I went hiking, then to a work BBQ/dunk tank at the park event, then to a local pub with some gal friends, everything was just dandy until I went to the parking lot to start my car, and it won't turn over!  We tried jump starting it, not a battery issue, it's new, and reliable and first time I've ever had a problem with it, just out of the clear blue!  I had to leave it in a parking lot out on the west side, far from home!

Highs and lows!   One second you're laughing with your work buddy, the next, worried about the car repair bill, and how the hell you'll get around town!

When I got home, I'm watching the late show and all the living room lights suddenly flick of!  WTF!  I'm down stairs fiddling with the breaker box, and no go..... after 3 tries it works, but the entire time I'm thinking what's next!  If one more thing breaks I'll go BONKERS! 

One second, I'm all excited about this new "fiber" mascara I got in the mail today, it's supposed to increase the length of one's lashes by 300% and only $36.00 with shipping!  (WHAT THE HELL)  It's soooo unlike me to spend $36 dollars on anything especially makeup since I get most of mine free or under a dollar! it's worth it for long lashes right?  Not to mention peer pressure, with these new Facebook "parties" people are doing now-a-days!    I'm high, and happy because my new mascara came in the mail box today, and I'm thrilled with my expensive new purchase, until I apply the stuff and realize I can get the same results from L'Oreal... their tube mascara does the same thing for only $8.00 less with a coupon!   Buyers remorse!  YES!

My son's all high driving his pre-owned Kia around town he purchased all on his own, till 3 days later when it has a mysterious leak coming from the radiator!  As we speak he's running around in and out of the house trying to see what the deal is with a car he's only been driving for a week!   Highs and Lows!   Yup, life's full of disappointments, surprises, and dilemmas!   One second you're on top of the world, the next you're broke and no car!

 My advise is


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