Friday, November 29, 2013

I'm a professional!

I normally don't get into arguments with ignorant people, but yesterday at Thanksgiving my little Bro made a derogatory comment against me and my money saving shopping strategies, that I just couldn't let him off without an education!
I studied marketing in college, and have been in a marketing/sales career for many, many years.  I've also learned over the past five years how to coupon shop, and maximize my shopping budget by using coupons, and sales to get more bang for the buck!  I study the manufactures, brands and sale cycles and have learned all this through the internet, friends, savings groups and a lot of shopping experience!  So yes, I'd most certainly consider myself a professional, and get many, many requests from people who know me to "school" them in the art of saving money.
Little bro youngest of the group, and we all know of his money struggles, he's not the best at sticking to a budget, in fact, I highly doubt he's ever sat down and written one at all in his 30 something years on the planet.... he tries to put me down, and criticize me for " holding up the lines in the store" and basically called me "cheap" for coupon shopping!  Keep in mind, this guy is a high school dropout, a blue collar worker, (not that there is anything wrong with that) and terrible with his money!  For for him to criticize me a savvy college educated person...who manages her money beautifully...... we'll I wasn't going to stand for it anymore.  Yes he's tried to humiliate me in the past, every chance we get together...  and tries very hard to "put me down" in order to get a chuckle out of the rest of the group for years now, and I usually ignore his rude attempts at humor and being completely secure in myself and my personality, that I truly am the comic of the group.... I normally let it slide.    But not today little bro..... NOBODY will dis on my shopping skills!!  I stood up to him, and basically "OWNED HIS ASS!!"   After my lengthy and passionate rant on how coupons work, how I, the store, marketing, and the economy all benefit from using coupons, and if you don't use them you're a complete idiot, over paying for virtually everything you own!!!..... well he was indeed speechless!  Nothing more to say, which was a good thing, because anything more he could have said would just further substantiate his complete ignorance of all things shopping....


 Bragging about overspending and wasting your money would make even a millionaire cringe, and only show's your lack of intelligence!  

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