Wednesday, November 20, 2013


It's important to take a step back and show gratitude for the things we enjoy.  I'm grateful that I'm 48 years old and in excellent health.  I know others my age and younger who have had health issues, and I'm healthy and strong and extremely thankful for that, I think of my health each and every day.

I'm grateful that I have two intelligent kids, they're no angels, but they've taught me so incredibly much, more than I could learn in any books or universities.

 I'm grateful I know how to use my brain, I'm not saying I'm the smartest person on the planet, but I know how to use my  head, in a logical, and sensible manner.  I feel sorry for those who have not yet discovered that organ that sits up in their scull, just waiting to be used!  Every time I encounter one of those people I'm grateful I'm not like that.

I'm grateful for my work ethic, that I work hard and that enables me to live in a nice home in a nice area, pay my bills and be responsible.  I'm glad I'm a good worker and can keep a job.  I'm grateful for all the hiring managers I've had who have given me a chance to prove myself to them, who have coached and mentored me into the worker I am today.

I'm grateful that I'm a creative person, who loves to decorate and create beautiful things.  I love giving ordinary objects extraordinary makeovers or just as simply jazzing up a present, or desk space. I'm grateful I have and eye for the aesthetically pleasing things in life, and can take nothing and make it spectacular!
  ( I'm kinda good like that)

I'm grateful my parents and all my siblings are still with us, we're all here and healthy and happy, and enjoy each others company. I'm grateful we all live nearby and frequently see each other often and celebrate special events together and can reach out to each other when in need.

Mostly I'm grateful for my ability to earn a good living, and take care of myself, that nothing too terribly tragic has happened to me, and I'm not afraid to be independent and fearless.  I'm astounded at how many women are so needy, and scared, afraid of the dark, of being alone, fearful of never finding Mr. Wonderful ( psss hey, he's not out there I tell ya) afraid of going anywhere by themselves, have to have a posse of gals around at all times.  I'm grateful I enjoy my own company, and I can have fun alone, or with a group.  I make friends easily, yet value my alone time as well.

There are so many more thing's I'm grateful for but these are the top few on my list.  It's healthy to show gratutide everyday, and appreciate what you have instead of always looking at what others may have.  That is the key to true happiness, appreciating what you've got, because someone always will have more or better than you, and someone will always be worse off than you as well.  That's just life teaching us lessons.

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